Agenda Item
Meeting Date:
9/12/2023 - 5:30 PM  
10.2 Resolution No. 23-24-02: GANN Limit  
Strategic Plan:
GANN Limit Calculation
Resolution No. 23-24-02 GANN Limit
File Attachment:
GANN Limit Calculation.pdf
Resolutiona No. 23-24-02 GANN Limit.pdf
In November of 1979, California voters approved Proposition 4, an initiative that added Article XIII B to the California Constitution. This constitutional amendment, known as the Gann Initiative, placed limits on the growth of expenditures for publicly funded programs. Division 9 of Title 1, beginning with Section 7900 of the Government Code, was then added to law to specify the process for calculating state and local government appropriation limits and appropriations subject to limitation under Article XII B of the Constitution. These constitutional and statutory sections explain and define the appropriations limit and appropriations subject to limitation as they apply to state and local government, and require that each entity of government formally "adopt" its appropriations limit for a given fiscal year.

By September 30th of each year, Education Code sections 1629 and 42132 specify that each county office and district Governing Board shall adopt a resolution identifying their estimated appropriations limits for the current year and their actual appropriations limit for the preceding year. The documentation supporting the adoption resolution shall be made available to the public.
It is recommended that the Governing Board of Trustees adopt Resolution No. 23-24-02 GANN Limit as presented.  
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Robin Schreiner - Senior Director, Business Services
Signed By:  
Marc Lacey - Assistant Superintendent, Administrative Services
Signed By:  
Jesse M. Najera - Superintendent
Vote Results:

Original Motion
Member Mark Staggs Moved, Member Lynn McKee seconded to approve the Original motion 'It is recommended that the Governing Board of Trustees adopt Resolution No. 23-24-02 GANN Limit as presented.'. Upon a Roll-Call Vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 4 Nay: 0.
The motion Carried 4 - 0